WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday)

One of the biggest things I've been learning in recovery is that there is no perfect way to eat. Every person is different and will need different types of foods at different times. I used to base what I was eating off of what others ate but that doesn't work because other people eat differently from each other. I'd say I'm somewhere in the middle stages of intuitive eating. Sometimes I do it well and other times not so well but I've been learning that's okay. I am not defined by my eating habits. Eating is just like drinking water or sleep or going to the bathroom. It's something we do everyday because we need to but it isn't the main focus of our lives and sometimes we do it more or less than other days and that's totally okay. greek yogurt and bannana and cocoa powder smoothie (highly recommend just make sure banana's ripe) toast with pb and jelly bread with roast lunchmeat and cheese and multigrain chips and carrots...