Being an example of a healthy eater

May 23, 2017
At college when people find out I'm studying to be a dietitian, they often observe what I eat and ask me if studying nutrition makes me more concerned with what I eat or if all nutrition majors eat super healthy. 

I don't know how to answer them. I don't want to get into the details of what it's like to have disordered eating habits. I try to share with them that a balanced diet is the key and out body needs all types of foods. 

It makes me think about the things I wish I'd known when I was 12 and how I want to be a good example of wellbeing to others. How can I as one who understands the thoughts behind disordered eating demonstrate a healthy perspective for others?

1. I don't say "I ate too much" or "I shouldn't have eaten that". Sometimes I think it but I don't express it. Part of the reason for this is that I'm not a super verbal person to begin with but also I don't want people to think eating is a right or wrong issue. It's not. It's just food. It's our attitude behind eating that matters and even there we are covered by God's grace as Christians. 
2. I don't say I feel fat or I look fat or I wish I was thinner. Again sometimes I think this but I know it's not true and it's by no means helpful for another girl to hear. Rather I want to aim to be an example of what it looks like to be confident in the body God has given me and to take care of that body. 
3. Be confident about my food choices. Eat satisfying foods, don't be afraid to eat around others. Express why I'm eating: that I'm hungry or want to eat a certain food or know that I need energy. That my body will regulate all my food choices. These are things I'm still trying to implement and that I see my friends being better at than I often am. 
4. If someone asks me a question about what they should eat or if a food is good for them or bad I try to be objective about the facts and leave it up to them. Ultimately there's no right or wrong. I'll give you the facts but it's your decision. 
5. Make it known that each person has a uniquely beautiful body with equally unique nutrition and physical needs. 

If you're reading my blog please leave a comment thanks!!! 
