Info About Me

So I've been reading eating disorder recovery blogs for about a yr now and they have helped me grow so much as a person. I've been wanting to start my own for a while and I figured what better time than summer. For right now I'm keeping this blog anonymous but I may reveal my identity at some point down the road. The stuff I share on here is true. I'm not making it up. I just would prefer that people who know me personally not know that I'm starting this blog (at least for the time being). That said, here are some quick facts about me:

  • I'm a follower of Christ. I will share frequently about my faith on here. Feel free to ask questions or challenge what I say but I ask that you do not use profanity. Thanks! 
  • I completed my second year of college. I'm studying to be a registered dietitian. 
  • I dislike the question of what my hobbies are, but here are some things I tend to do in my free time: cook, read, read blogs, instagram, pintrest, hug my cat, exercise, listen to podcasts
  • Pets; 2 cats, 1 dwarf hamster, 1 alaskan malamute (long story) 
  • Favorite foods: salmon, yogurt and banana smoothies, pizza, fruit, yasso bars, dark chocolate
    • And I officially elect myself into the pb lovers blogger club. 
  • Fun fact: I'm slightly obsessed with stuffed animals. When I was younger I collected build a bears then webkinz. Confession I may or may not have 50 webkinz on one account that I still go online with periodically. 
Feel free to contact me with questions, comments or concerns. I'd love to hear from you. 
