Social Anxiety

I never knew social anxiety was a real thing until recently. I always thought there was something wrong with me . I think my social anxiety was/is both biologically and environmentally learned. When I was a toddler I hated leaving my Mom at church and would cry to no end. I was afraid of teachers and other students. I always felt intimidated by them. In Elementary School I was labeled as quiet and shy. But my shyness went deeper than people knew. It always seemed like I was at the mercy of my classmates as to whether or not they liked me. I remember once hearing a talk about how it was important to chose our friends wisely but I thought that was silly because I didn't think I had any say in who were my friends. Other people were the ones who decided if they liked me enough to be my friend. I was always fixated on finding a best friend but even when I found someone I could call my best friend I lived in fear of losing her or that she would like one of her other f...