Why I will never drink alcohol

First of all let me say that I know this is a controversial topic and a very personal decision. Obviously you don't need to share my beliefs but I thought I'd share them because this is something I feel very passionate about. 1. If you are a Christian it is NOT a sin to drink (provided you don't get drunk) I've done research on this topic and the Bible actually has a lot of say about alcohol but no where does it prohibit Christians from drinking in moderation. However, I believe that Christians have become too liberal with drinking, cursing, sexuality, and the like. Just because a person is free to make a choice doesn't mean we need to do so. The Bible talks a lot about being wise in how we live and staying as far away from sin and temptations as possible. 2. I have personal reasons for feeling strongly against alcohol Without going into too much detail I'll just say that when I was young, before I understood what alcoholic beverages ...