It's Important to get your period even if you don't want kids

I don't ever want to be pregnant. I don't want my own children. I do want to foster/adopt children but the whole idea of pregnancy really disturbs me. I'm not sure where or when this oppositional desire to pregnancy came from in my life but it's something that played a role in my eating disorder. When I was in 5th grade and my body was developing I remember being afraid that I was or would become pregnant because I was starting to look bigger (and I didn't understand how reproduction actually works). This uncomfortableness in my body led me to eventual restriction of what I ate and an obsession with my stomach looking as small as possible. I remember in the depths of my restriction and low weight one evening I was in a drama and we had to wear skirts. Mine was tight against my waist and as I felt my lower abdomen, I was horrified and disgusted because it still wasn't as thin as I wanted it to be. I didn't want my body to have any resemblance of...