Weened Recap
Our church does this women's conference every year. This year my mom and I were in charge of the food. So we had to be there early at 7:30 and didn't get home until 4. I enjoyed interacting with the other women and I really enjoy being in the kitchen to set up and organize the food. The actual content of the conference was kinda boring. It's only their 3rd year doing it and the lady running it has a lot on her plate right now.
When we got home around 4 I wasted time on the computer (aka facebook) and then ate dinner and then did some baking and then watched a recap of the royal wedding on tv. I ended up going to bed later than I planned but that's nothing new.
I woke up at 6 and my mom and I headed out to get the donuts for church at 7. She volunteers once a month to do the morning cafe for church which consists of free coffee, tea, bagels, donuts, muffins, fruit. I help her whenever I'm home. I don't normally drink coffee but yesterday I drank some that was pretty strong and it made me more energetic and outgoing than normal. So that was fun.
We came home and I helped my brother pick out a roommate for college next year. Then I went for a run. I ran about double what I normally do. I wasn't planning on doing that but I had a lot of energy (again I blame the coffee) and so I just kept going.
Then I took a shower, brought my cat who currently lives in the basement (long story) up to my room, and finished reading the book Unlocked by Karen Kingsbury.
Then I ate dinner and made some low sugar chocolate pudding. Whenever I exercise a lot I lose my appetite and it makes intuitive eating more difficult so that's been a challenge for me recently.
Monday I start my job at the bakery again. I'm only working 15 hours this week which shouldn't be too bad.