Intuitive Eating Journey

So I thought I'd share a little update on my journey with intuitive eating. I by no means have this all figured out. I'm always in a learning process with it but I know so much more now than I ever have before. Up until 8th grade I never gave eating a whole lot of thought. My mom gave me food to eat. There were certain things I liked eating and certain things I didn't but that was about it. I probably don't remember much about my food habits because I didn't think about them much. As I approached middle school there were a bunch of foods I started to restrict that wasn't for the purpose of losing weight or being healthier but rather the result of an irrational fear I had of being poisoned but that's a story for another day. Seventh grade I was slowly but steadily cutting out foods in an attempt to get healthier. Became too restrictive. Lost too much weight. Got help from a nutritionist and started a meal plan. That year I stuck to my meal pl...