Spring Break!

So I'm hibernating this week in my house because it's literally freezing everyday despite the fact that it's supposed to be Spring soon!!!!
Anyway I struggle with writing on the blog consistently and then when I have the time to write I'm not sure what to write about necessarily. So I think I might just give you updates on my life periodically.
- Currently taking Medical Nutrition Therapy + lab, Nutrient Metabolism+research project, Christianity in Asia, and Philosophy
- I enjoy my classes and I enjoy learning but I also really enjoy breaks from schoolwork. I'll be excited when the semester is over.
- My brother is coming to my college next yr as a freshman so that's exciting
- I'm planning on living in a 5 person apartment next yr which will definitely be an adjustment from a dorm but I think it'll be good.
- It's been really good to be home and spend time with my mom.
- My cat Spice (pictured above) who used to live in my room started peeing on my bed again so I moved her back down to the basement but I feel so bad for her because she seems so sad down there. I'm considering giving her another chance in my room but I'm just afraid with me coming and going back to school she'll keep peeing on my bed and I can't have that.
- My schedule this week at home had been more or less studying for a few hours in the morning and cooking/baking for a few hours in the afternoon. Except this morning I went to the dentist.
Nutrition and Emotional Status:
- A few weeks ago I shared my journey with an eating disorder in front of some of my fellow nutrition major friends. Although I sometimes question what defines a full "recovery" from an eating disorder, I think this is the right time in my life to begin sharing my story more openly
- My goal is to one day work as a dietitian with young girls and women struggling with eating disorders or body image issues.
- That being said I still find myself overly focused on the way I look at times or fear eating too much so I don't know if I'll ever be in a place to fully be able to help others and the last thing I'd ever want to do is be a stumbling block to others in their recovery.
- I still don't get a period consistently every month, it's kinda sporadic so that's something I'm going to continue to work on.
Also here are a few recipes I made this week. All via pinerest cause where else would I get recipes???
Linking up today with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud Thursday!