Life Update 9/17

Here we go... College Life- I really like this semester so far compared to all other semesters. Everyday I thank God for the friends he's brought into my life. People I can literally be myself with because growing up I was never able to do that. Loving my nutrition and psych classes. Haven't had much homework which is weird considering this is supposed to be a hard year. Thing I don't like-Working at my school dining hall. It's just really boring and long. Food and Body- So I can honestly say I'm at the best place I ever have been with intuitive eating and having peace with food. I'm learning to listen and respect my body. Sometimes I'm really hungry so I eat more than I normally do. Sometimes I'm not super hungry but I eat a lot because I have a strong appetite. There's a BIG difference between appetite and hunger. Sometimes I'm really busy and or lots of food isn't available so I don't eat as much. Mostly I eat salads and bean...