I'm so sorry I haven't posted on here in forever!
A lot has happened this week so here's a quick recap.
Remember you are loved greatly!
A lot has happened this week so here's a quick recap.
- I've been working about 40hrs at my grocery store job cause 2 of full time workers were away.
- I'm still volunteering at the hospital and so far it hasn't been very fun but I need to get the experience to put it on my resume to apply for a dietetic internship.
- On Thursday I got a period for the first time in 7 yrs!!!! Literally amazed. I wish I could say I fainted because that's make it more dramatic but I didn't. I was just shocked. I haven't quite been able to sort through all the emotions that getting a period has brought up but the biggest thing I've been telling myself is that I don't need to change anything about my eating or exercise habits. What I'm doing is good. My body knows what it needs. I don't have to force feed it but I certainly don't have to deny hunger or cravings in any way. Hoping I'll be able to write more about this in the future.
- My family's going camping this week so we won't have much internet access but I'll take lots of pictures to post for next time.
Remember you are loved greatly!
